


I see so much of this on social media. I’ve even tried to join in the race.

But those efforts will not bring the victory that God has already planned for me.

Time spent quietly before Him, resting in Him, and delighting in Him are actions that promise to bring about the desires of my heart.

Psalm 62:1 says,
“I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from Him.”

There is power in being quiet before Him. Our silence allows His voice to be heard clearly. (click to tweet)

Taking time to sit at His feet like Mary goes against the grain of culture. And yet, Jesus said she made the best choice.

In verse 5 it says,
“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him.”

Am I honestly letting all that I am wait quietly before Him?

We strive, hustle, and compete because it’s easier than stripping down all defenses and pretenses before Him. Truly getting quiet before Him requires humbling self and submitting to His agenda.

I crawled out of bed to attend a women’s event. I had barely been able to keep myself standing during the worship time. And I had no desire to go forward for prayer, I simply had no energy to stand. But, I felt my body rise up and follow the others forward.

Standing there a thought shot through my mind, “no one ever has a word meant for me. This is a waste of time.”

Softly but firmly God pierces through the attitude of my tired heart saying, “Stay here, be quiet, and wait on Me.”

I relax, trusting that He will give me the grace to continue to stand, I quiet my mind before Him, and wait for someone to come pray over me.

A woman I don’t know came over and began praying for me. She prayed, “Father, reveal to her Your rest. She’s been fasting for three days, Lord, and she needs rest. Your rest. Show her what still needs to fall away. Show her what’s next. Help her to trust you. And help her to rest. And Lord, take her deeper than she’s ever gone before.”

How did she know that I had been fasting for three days and felt weak and tired?

Her words brought confirmation, peace, and hope to my spirit. And now I wait, wholeheartedly before Him trusting that He will bring the victory in every area of life that I have laid out before Him.

Trust Him, stay right where you are, and wait on Him in the quiet spaces of your life, He is worth the wait!

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